Councilmember Rigel Robinson

Email address for Councilmember Rigel Robinson:

Remember to make some changes & put this in your own voice! Also be sure to add your name at the end before sending.

Subject: Please do more to reduce violent crime in District 7

Dear Councilmember Robinson,

I am writing to you today as a concerned parent of a student at UC Berkeley. As you know,, there have been recent incidents of violent crime on and around campus—your district. As a parent, I am deeply troubled by these events.

It is alarming to hear of students being robbed, assaulted, and held up at gunpoint around District 7. These incidents are not only a threat to the safety and well-being of the students but also undermine the sense of security that families should feel when they send their children to attend college.

The City Council must do more to keep students at UC Berkeley safe from violent crime. Students are a vital part of the Berkeley community, and they should be able to study, work, and live in a safe and secure environment. I urge you to take action to enhance public safety in Berkeley, starting with supporting Berkeley PD’s request to use more technology to help them fight crime.

License plate readers, intersection cameras, and drones can make a huge difference to an already-understaffed police force by helping them prosecute criminals after they commit a crime. Because Berkeley is often the site of crime committed by people living in surrounding communities, it is particularly important we have a way to identify vehicles coming into Berkeley at key junctures that BPD has identified.

I also want to bring to your attention the new advocacy group called SafeBears, which is made up of hundreds of concerned Cal parents dedicated to making Berkeley safe for students. I believe that you should work with SafeBears and other community organizations to identify and address the root causes of violence and crime in Berkeley.

I urge you to take these concerns seriously and do everything in your power to keep students safe in Berkeley. Parents will continue to raise their voices until the City Council does more to reduce violent crime in the city of Berkeley. I appreciate your attention to this matter 


[Your Name]


UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ