Cal needs to secure campus buildings

Updated April 28, 2023

Email address for Chancellor Christ:

Email address for Vice Chancellor Marc Fisher:

Email address for UC President Michael Drake:

Remember to make some changes & put this in your own voice! Also be sure to add your name at the end before sending.

Subject: You need to secure campus buildings and student housing

Hi Everyone.

I am a parent of a current UC Berkeley student, I am deeply disturbed about the recent incidents of intruders entering buildings around campus and, putting all members of the UC community at risk.

On April 27, a disturbed person entered a supposedly secured area of Moffitt Library, broke a window, and acted erratically while bleeding profusely outside the building. At least one student sitting on the Glade was splashed by blood from the intruder before they were led away by officials to receive care for their injuries.

This is totally unacceptable.

How did this person gain entrance into a secured area of the library? This would be a terrible incident at any time, but it’s even worse now because students are expected to spend significant time in the libraries studying for upcoming finals. Was anyone even checking IDs at key entrances?

This is not the first time a dangerous intruder has gained access to campus building. In February, a disturbed man entered the Valley Life Sciences building and began screaming that everyone was about to die. At least one classroom fled the building in fear. When an instructor tried to lock her classroom door, she found there was no lock on the door. When she tried to call UCPD, she discovered there was no cell phone reception from within the building. “We were all freaking out. I just didn’t even know what to do.” According to the Berkeley Scanner, students were panicking because they thought the intruder was an active shooter.

The first guideline of the UC Safety Plan says that all members of the UC community should feel free from any threat of physical, psychological or emotional harm.

Your administration is failing to fulfill this principle, and failing to protect our students.

Consider student housing.

In the last few months, dangerous intruders have entered Units 1 and 2, terrifying and assaulting the students who live there. And an unregistered sex offender was arrested by UCPD after they caught him living under a stairwell in Unit 3.

This is not what we we expected as prospective Cal families. We were promised a whole series of safety measures and only later realized how few of these actually exist: two night shuttles, a door-to-door safety shuttle, Security Monitors in every dorm, dedicated UCPD officers for each dorm, and at least 60 UCPD officers. With the exception of a single night shuttle, none of these safety measures exist.

I can’t help but wonder if all the families about to select UC Berkeley today understand what’s really happening on and around campus. Judging from David Ortega’s Zoom call with newly-admitted families on April 27 (the same day as the Moffitt Library incident), they are receiving assurances that everything is fine.

I urge you to take immediate action to ensure the safety of students by building security fences around Units 1, 2, and 3. The South Side of Berkeley is not safe. It’s where the deadly shootings occurred a few months ago, and it's crucial that we take measures to protect our children.

It's worth noting that the Regents are currently building a security fence around UC President Michael Drake’s house, which shows that they agree with us: fences are an effective way to keep people safe. If it's good enough for President Drake’s family, it's good enough for ours, too.

The Department of Student Affairs will soon be submitting a proposal to you regarding the installation of security fences around these units. I strongly urge you to approve this proposal. Safety must be a higher priority for UC Berkeley, and we need to know that above all, you are keeping our students safe.

I hope you understand the urgency of this matter and will take the necessary steps to better protect the students we have entrusted to your care. Please make sure campus buildings— including classroom buildings and student housing— is secure.


[Your Name]


UC Regents Meeting at UCLA


UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ (Funding Gates)