Safer, more reliable night shuttles

SafeBears members Sagar Jethani, Elena Salazar, Roberto Reynoso and Susanna Joe met with Associate Vice Chancellor Seamus Wilmot on Thursday, April 13, 2023, to discuss improvements to the university’s night safety shuttles.

Sagar presented the following deck to Seamus outlining several areas for improvement, including:

  • Getting all 3 shuttles back in service (Northside, Southside, and Door-to-Door)

  • Connecting all shuttles to the map applications students use (Apple Maps, Google Maps)

  • Presenting clearer information on Cal websites and social media about what services are available and what hours they operate

  • Limiting shuttle ridership to Cal students

  • Ensuring all materials distributed to Cal and prospective Cal families are accurate with regard to security measures

(Update: All 3 shuttles went back into service on May 7, 2023; and drivers are now requiring a Cal ID to board.)

The Transportation committee will meet again with Seamus in May 2023 to discuss progress in these areas. Seamus is hopeful that additional shuttles will be in service in time for upcoming final exams week, which is important as many students have exams at night and need a safe way to return home.

We need your help! Join our transportation committee and help us work for better night transport, including safety shuttles and free or discounted ridesharing.


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