Tell those in charge what we want—with email templates!

One of the most frequent questions we get at SafeBears is: how do we get the safety improvements around UC Berkeley we want? Getting change in Berkeley means raising our voices with the UC administration, local government officials, the media, and other influential groups.

And one of the easiest ways?

Email 📤

Many city leaders have told us our emails make a tremendous impact on how they make decisions. Berkeley is a diverse community with strong opinions about policing, crime, and criminal justice. As Cal parents, it’s important we add our voices to the mix to help make the community our students live in as safe as possible.

And we’ve made it even easier for you to get started with readymade email templates.

Using them is easy!

  1. Click on the template you want to send

  2. Copy and paste it into a blank email from your email client

  3. Be sure to add your name at the end, and make any other minor edits you can (subject line, body, etc.)

  4. Hit Send

That’s it!

Point #3 is especially important, because the more you customize the email by putting it in your own voice, the more impact it will make. Changing the subject line will also help your email stand out from the many others being sent by SafeBears around the world.

Thanks for making a difference! Let’s go make UC Berkeley safer for our students by lighting up some inboxes! 🔥

GO (Safe) BEARS! 🐻


The Dorothy Fallacy


Safer, more reliable night shuttles